20th November 2023 Health Travelling
A Paediatrician’s Guide on Beating Jet Lag in Kids
It’s the holiday season now, with many families travelling abroad. One of the most common questions asked is about jet lag, especially how to prevent it.
11th October 2023 ADHD Health Mental Health
How is ADHD in Children Treated?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological disorder and is marked by a pattern of hyperactivity, inability to focus on simple tasks…
With lockdown measures being implemented to varying degrees across the world, many parents now have to take on the role of a teacher and help their children…
27th June 2022 COVID-19 Health Vaccination
COVID-19 Vaccination for Children
Later this year, COVID-19 vaccines for children under five will be approved. Should your child get it? Does a child need it? My clinic (Children’s Clinic International)